Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I've given up on my summer packets for today and have officially developed a new strategy which is to check every five minutes to see if they have magically completed themselves. So far, no luck.

I think I'm going to have to write that method off as a failure. Which means I'm back to square one and have to actually do the work myself. Maybe I can close my eyes and concentrate really hard on imagining that the work is done, and when I open my eyes all of the packets will be finished, but somehow I doubt that will work either.

When these strategies fail, the only thing left to turn to is my old standby: procrastination.

Here are some procrastination techniques I like to use:
1. Eat something that takes a long time to prepare
2. Check facebook
3. Check tumblr
4. Check facebook again
5. Watch that one Doctor Who episode you skipped over by accident and never got back to
6. Flip through the summer packets and tell yourself that reading the questions is actually pretty close to answering them
7. Eat something else
8. Take a short nap
9. Look up 'kitten in a cup' on google images
10. Check facebook one more time even though you are really starting to hate that website
11. Sigh because you are never going to get any actual work done at this rate

Use these patented procrastination techniques and you'll get no work done in no time, guaranteed!

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