Thursday, August 29, 2013


Four days into school and I'm ready to find a nice-looking cave and hibernate for the next century

When I wake up, I am fully expecting homework, mornings, and asparagus to all be outlawed.

If not, it's back to the bat-cave for another nice, hundred year long snooze.

School is gradually turning into it's usual blurred haze of exhaustion and I have turned to drowning my sorrows in angsty music.

A good guitar solo can do wonders for the teenage soul, especially when played at an unhealthy ear-shattering volume while gazing out a grimy bus window and reflecting upon the general unfairness of the world.

If you're looking for a good dose of pure, unfiltered, angst I highly recommend My Chemical Romance as a good I-Hate-The-World soundtrack. This band does not play with actual instruments. They pull their music out of the dark void of pure angst.

True fact.

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