Thursday, August 8, 2013

Kittens Are Magnetic

I need to post something for today but that tumblr is calling to me... No. I must stay strong. I must resist the urge to look at more gifs of adorable kittens. Must... resist.... but.... they're just so cute...

So I was very productive today and got dressed! I'm very proud of myself. I mean, I didn't actually leave the house (that would be drastic) but I did change my clothes. Now I just have to talk with other people besides myself and I'll almost be at the same social level as most normal human beings.

And now for a quick notice: I will not be posting anything this Saturday or Sunday for various reasons that may or may not involve ritual sacrifice to Satan. I'm informing you of this now because on Friday I'll be posting a short story instead of a normal blog post. Yaaaaaaaaaaay creativity!

I have a pretty cool idea forming in my head and I hope it turns out okay on paper. I mean, on computer screen.

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