Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Attack On Homework


After a blissful, work-free summer break, I had completely forgotten what it felt like, but on the first day of school I received a grim reminder.

Arguably, homework is worse than mornings. Maybe even worse than asparagus. It's a tough call.

Homework sucks away at free time until nothing is left but the hollow echo of what could of been a joyous day spent on Tumblr.

School itself would be way more tolerable without the added knowledge that once I get home, I'll have to pick up right where I left off in class.

Worse is when I end up working late into the night, and the dark, still silence is only broken by the skritching of a pen and the tortured howls of the previous owners of the textbook I'm using who died a slow, agonizing death from doing too much homework.

Even procrastination doesn't help, because there is always that nagging voice in the back of my head whispering 'yooooouuuu should be dooooing your spanish homework right noooooow' in a tone eerily akin to those of the tortured souls from my textbook. I can try to shut it out but the voice only gets louder: Seriousssssly man, it's like, threeeeee whole paaaages looong. Get it dooooooone.

If anyone knows how to get rid of tiny nagging voices in the back of people's heads, please help. You can find me at the nearest mental hospital.

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