Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day

Somehow, on a mere four hours of sleep, I managed to stumble my way through the unique torture that is the first day of school.

My bus somehow became twice as crowded as it was last year and even though I thought it was physically impossible to assign this much homework on the first day of school, my teachers managed to pull it off.

Complaining aside, I actually had a pretty good first day. I got to see all my friends again, and most of my teachers seem okay.

Of course, I did wake up at six a.m. and the pound of bricks that is exhaustion was just dropped on my head about half an hour ago.

But I still wrote a post! What a wonderful, determined, and considerate blogger I am!

They should give out awards to bloggers like me.

Really important, PRESTIGIOUS, awards.

With large cash prizes.


I want an iPhone.

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