Monday, August 19, 2013

Crime Time

You know, I should really like, become a serial killer so that I can talk about something actually interesting happening in my life. I could write posts about who I was considering murdering, my preferred methods of strangulation, that sort of thing.

Of course, I'd probably get arrested really quickly after telling the internet all about my crimes, but at least it would be fun to write about. I'm actually thinking about making the next short story about a serial killer, and maybe the protagonist can be an honest cop with nothing left to lose. I've just been reading this really creepy serial killer story online right now and it's really inspiring (inspiring for writing, not killing people). Plus, there's all these gifs and pictures of Hannibal (the TV show) on tumblr. I really want to watch it, but I also really want to sleep at night.

It's a difficult dilemma.

I mean, how disturbing could a TV show possibly be?

Don't answer that.

Maybe I could write an on going mystery story and post it once a week, along with the short stories! That's actually a pretty good idea. That is, if I every get around to writing something longer than 1,000 words...

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