Tuesday, August 6, 2013

An Introduction


Welcome to Encyclopedia Insanica, which is run by your charming and definitely extremely attractive host, Nina.

This blog is actually a project (a MYP project, to be exact) but since the guidelines were pretty vague, I decided to create a blog, because I wanted to do something that didn't involve going outside. Or sunlight.

Just kidding! I chose a blog because it was an activity I enjoyed that I thought would enrich my sense of self-purpose and eventually lead me to grow to be a better person with more experience and achievable personal goals.

Speaking of goals, I plan to try and post something at least once a day. Of course, I might skip a day occasionally, but no hard feelings, right? RIGHT???

Fridays will be creative writing days where I will post little 300-800 word short stories. Or maybe one long story continued over various posts. Who knows! The possibilities are endless! Creative writing days may even switch to Saturdays! Nothing is certain! Is my name even really Nina? Is this even for a school project? Or am I just rambling? And should probably get back to writing important things now?

Anyway, on non-creative writing days, I figure I'll just write about what's going on in my life and what I'm interested in at the moment.

For instance, my current obsession is Welcome to Nightvale, a hilarious podcast about the mysterious happenings of a desert town. You can listen to it for free on iTunes! I listened to eighteen of the podcasts in like, two days. I think I might have a slight problem! Probably! Definitely!

So that's about all for now. Tell all your friends about this blog because I'm not afraid to shamelessly self-promote due to my lifelong dream of becoming famous!

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