Sunday, August 18, 2013

Eye on the Pie

There comes a time when every teenager is forced to clean their room by their parents against their will. This tragedy happened to me today. I usually get through it by putting on some music and pretending I'm in a montage. Months can pass by in minutes in a montage, which is why I pretend I'm in one so cleaning my room doesn't seem like it takes that long. I highly recommend listening to I'll Make a Man Out of You as your montage music, because if an entire army can be trained during the course of this one song, then one room can be cleaned in that time too. I'd put it on a loop just to be safe though. Especially if you haven't seen the floor of your room in weeks.

Which I haven't.

I can't remember if it's a hardwood floor or carpeted. Maybe I should get a shovel and just dig my way through the swamp of clothing and books just so I can see what it looks like.

Update: It's carpeted!

In other news, I made a pie with my grandma today, in honor of Dean Winchester, and also I just really wanted to learn how to make pie.

Because it's so delicious.

And for all you pie haters out there- you have not had my grandmother's pie. The U.S. government should air drop that pie onto all the civilians who have only had store-bought pie their whole lives. The approval ratings for the government would sky rocket, I promise you.

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