Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Homework Demon Strikes Again

The homework demon has possessed all my teachers and caused them to assign a horrendous amount of homework on the exact same day that rehearsals for drama start.

Individually, homework in each class doesn't take much time at all, but pile it all together and my body will be found a few days later half-decomposed in a river, covered in math notes, spanish conjugations, and english reflections.


Another gross picture courtesy of my overactive imagination.

Point being, I'm drowning in homework and all I really want to do is watch the next episode of heroes because I NEED TO KNOW OF THIS ONE CHARACTER DIES OR NOT AND THE SUSPENSE IS UNBEARABLE.

And I refuse to ask the Great and All-Knowing Wikipedia for spoilers because that goes against my moral code as a TV show addict.

I must finish all this homework soon because my strength is weakening and soon I will give in to the pull of the spoilers.

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