Monday, September 30, 2013


I have done it.

I have made an account on I am ready. I think.

For those of you who don't know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Basically, crazy people across the world (myself included) embark on a near impossible quest to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November.

I haven't attempted it yet, but I have decided that I'm going to try this year!

The only problem is that the month of November includes hell week for drama (meaning I rehearse until 10 pm every night during the course of one week), all the show nights for the musical, and I'm pretty sure exams.

So my poor, poor, baby novel probably is not going to reach adulthood.

But I shall try anyway! Even if I never even make it to 10,000 words! Even if I pass out from exhaustion! Or have writers block! Or something else awful like that! This is a lot of exclamation points!

It may only be the last day of September today, but hopefully by the end of October I will have enough mental fortification to be prepared for November.

I'll also probably have to stock up on notebooks.

Lots and lots notebooks.

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