Friday, September 13, 2013

Lights Out

Can it be? A Friday story that's not creepy? It exists and you're welcome:

“Hello? Is anyone there?”


“Oh, um, hi. Do you know how to turn the lights on?”


“Uh… Who is this?”






“Well this is awkward.”

“Let’s just find a light switch, okay?”

“Look, man, I’m sorry-“

“Save it.”


“Just shut up and find the freaking switch, Will.”

“The power’s not working.”


“And the door’s stuck.”

“Double crap.”



“I’m really sorry, Damien. Okay? But I stopped hanging out with those guys now and-“

“And what? You’re reformed now? You’ve dropped out of the let’s-shove-people-into-lockers club so all of a sudden you’re a good guy? It doesn’t work like that, Will!”

“If it means anything, I also apologized to Claire.”



“The power came on.”

“I noticed.”

“And that wasn’t a door I was trying to open.”


“Well, bye, I guess.”

“Wait- Will-“


“Thanks for apologizing to Claire.”

“I don't deserve it... but you're welcome.”

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