Monday, November 18, 2013

Show Biz and Sacrificial Kittens

Last week was crazy hectic, to say the least. Monday through Thursday was a series of late rehearsals that rendered me incapable of speaking in anything but annoyed grunts. If I was feeling particularly chipper I could even work up a good one-syllable word or two, like 'food' or 'tired'. I'm also pretty sure I wore the same shirt backwards three times in a row.

Friday was opening night. Despite my awful luck, nothing went horribly wrong! (Things still went wrong, but nothing bad enough to cause me not to be able to show my face in school)

Saturday's show also went well. Hopefully this Friday's show will too, because that's the show that three thousand of my relatives are going to.

Three thousand being the exact count, of course.

I'm terrified I'm going to get sick because I feel a sore throat coming on. I'll have to make a sacrifice to the sickness gods to postpone it.

A couple of kittens would probably be sufficient, right?

Maybe I should throw in a baby penguin. Better safe than sorry.

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