Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mugs That Multiply

Despite sacrificing several kittens to the sickness gods, I still got sick. I stayed home yesterday, but I still feel like death warmed over, only I wasn't microwaved properly and parts of me are still dead.  Mainly my brain.

Well that was a weird sentence.

Anyway, the drama club did a flash mob for Sweeney Todd during lunch, which turned out pretty well. I had to retake a bunch of tests during lunch because I missed school and ended up getting more cardio from running up and down stairs to get to different classes and the flash mob than I've probably gotten this whole week combined.

I don't like staying home from school because when get back there's twice as much work to do and it's awful. At least I got to use my Patented Cure-All System. I watched way too many disney movies and probably drank, like, ten cups of tea.

Seriously. My bedroom looks like attack of the mugs.

I'm pretty sure when I'm not looking they multiply behind my back.

I'm on to you, mugs.

I'm on to you.

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