Saturday, November 2, 2013

Here Goes Nothing

Happy late Halloween, blog minions! I couldn't write on actual halloween because I was too busy pretending to be a lot younger than I actually am so that I could get more candy.

In other news, today is the second day of NaNoWriMo. I somehow managed to meet the daily word count yesterday and today but I am all ready wishing I could throw my pathetic excuse for a novel out the window.

I'm sticking with it, but I have a feeling a lot of my characters are going to suddenly develop stutters and there are going to be a lot of really weird and extensive dream sequences to up my word count. 

This is why I normally never write anything over a thousand words because I start to become moody and reclusive, and begin to plot the gruesome murder of every one of my characters.

Thankfully, I was able to kill off one of my characters really early on in the novel, so I was able to let off some steam.

I've decided to write a thriller novel about a serial killer but it's sort of boring to write at the moment, probably because I haven't quite figured out who the serial killer is and also I can't write his maniacal speech revealing everything until the very end of the novel.

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