Sunday, November 3, 2013

Expecto Patronfudhgiuagruogbkzv

Just a friendly reminder that tech week (aka hell week aka staying at school to rehearse for drama until ten o'clock at night) is coming up in the soonish region of the future, so I will not be posting anything during that time and if I do it will probably go something like 'asdguifgo so tiredhsjkfhleghulayaruhulleof' because that's about as coherent as I get during tech week.

I am a delicate creature and I need at least 8 hours of sleep to function, 10 in order to voluntarily interact with other human beings. Anything less than that and I have a striking resemblance to a dementor.

You know, those things from Harry Potter that wear dark hoods and suck out your soul and devour happiness.

Also if you try and use 'expecto patronum' on me it doesn't work, so arguably I am more dangerous without sleep than any petty dementor. 

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