Wednesday, October 16, 2013


So PSATs were today.

The joys of being a high school student, amirite?

Luckily I got to vent out my inner frustration at the ridiculousness of standardized tests by being a lunatic during drama rehearsal.

There's an insane asylum in Sweeney Todd (no spoilers as to how or why it is there!) and basically everyone in the ensemble gets to be a complete and total crazy person.

I mean, I'm a crazy person usually, but I guess I just got to let my true colors shine a little brighter.

True colors meaning twitching and giggling and muttering, but you know, just expressing myself.

It's totally normal for people to talk to themselves on a normal basis, right? RIGHT?

Yes, of course, Nina.

Thank you, Nina, for agreeing with me!

No problem, Nina!

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