Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bowling for Pizza

Pizza is amazing.

I'm not sure how, but somehow Americans took traditional Italian pizza and created this delicious combination of grease, dough, cheese, and your topping of choice.

Even awful pizza is still amazing (except for maybe cafeteria pizza, I'm pretty sure they're serving us prison food). 

Pizza, man.

Just... Pizza.

On another note, I went bowling for my brother's birthday party, and apparently I am actually competent at bowling, because I scored over 100 points and I'm pretty sure that's considered good, but then again my knowledge of sports is about equal to my knowledge of open heart surgery, which is to say, none. 

Seriously, you don't want me playing any sports just as much as you don't want me preforming open heart surgery.

And now that that analogy was overused, it's probably time for me to catch up on the newest episode of Welcome to Nightvale, so bye!

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