Monday, January 6, 2014

Assuming Some Things

After taking a two week long un-announced holiday vacation from blogging, it is finally time to get back to the regular blogging schedule.

Which is to say, there is actually no schedule and that's why I sort of accidentally took an impromptu break from blogging in the first place.

Regardless, the blog is back and better than ever!

Assuming that this blog was quality to begin with.

And I like to make a lot of assumptions.

This actually gets me into a lot of embarrassing situations. I think my life is actually a situation comedy that no one told me I was participating in. Despite being uniformed, I still think I deliver the best one liners.

Right, studio audience?


Well, if there is a studio audience they are doing a really good job of hiding to fool me into thinking my life wasn't secretly a sit com, so.

Okay, I should really not blog when I'm this tired.


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