Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nina's Patented Study Methods

It's that time of year again when winter break is about to start so teachers cram in all the tests possible in the week before. Thus, I bring you from a state of abject despair, Nina's Patented Study Methods.

Study method #1: place your review packets on your skin in hopes that the knowledge will be absorbed through osmosis

Study method #2: lie down on the floor and cry in hopes that through sheer pitifulness you will pass the test

Study method #3: it's always C or the longest answer, right? Who needs to study?

Study method #4: watch youtube videos vaguely related to what you are studying in hopes that by the tenth LOLcat video you will have mastered the subject

Study method #5: preform the snow dance in hopes that even if you don't know the material, at least there will be no school tomorrow

Just follow these fool-proof methods and you'll be sure to maybe possibly pass if you're good at guessing the right answers to multiple choice questions!

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