Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Morning People Strike Again

Because the musical is over my procrastination has gotten even worse.  Every time I sit down to do my homework my brain says "Hey it's only five o'clock! You got home from rehearsals at six and still managed to get your homework done. Just wait another hour..."

Well you know what brain, I don't care what you think because I want to get to bed at a decent hour tonight!

I actually went to bed at nine o'clock last night. It was glorious. I still woke up tired though, because apparently it doesn't matter how much sleep you get if you wake up at 6 am every morning.

You know who voluntarily wakes up at 6 am?

Morning people. The world wouldn't be so difficult if it wasn't run by morning people. I mean, really. 

On another note, it's like, christmas time??? When did that happen???

I do love christmas, but I swear it was August two seconds ago.

Guess I should probably start buying present for people. 

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